Staff Meeting 12.02.18
Staff Meeting 12.02.18
Julie Mills
SOLO checklist: Are you using this? What does Julie need to focus on for the next session?
Area's I would like to work on are:
- SOLO used for WALT's
- Uses rubrics to show students the What Next?
Whanau Meet and Greet
If you were to hand out a one page sheet, what would be on that sheet?
- A bit about yourself, your contact details and availability
- School hat requirements and named clothing - EVEN UNDIES!
- Start time
- Library time
- Swimming time
- Assembly time (whanau are welcome to attend)
- Helping your child at home/home learning expectations
- Nude Food/Brain Food
- What we are learning this term
- 50th Jubilee and how this relates to our inquiry unit - Are you or do you know any past students?
- TRS Facebook page and Newsletter
- Absences
- Play-Based learning
What is vital to your class as opposed to what can be found elsewhere? It needs to be in time, relevant, not too wordy. Specifically for my class I would include:
- A bit about myself, my contact details (blog, newsletter) and availability
- Library day/Rosters
- Home Learning expectations
- Named clothing/School hat
- Play-Based Learning/What we are learning
Focus of the letter should be on learning because as a school that should be our main focus! The letter will not go on school letterhead, but must be reviewed by your team leader in advance.
Think before 19th (next week) why we assess and what do we assess for learning? This should be to inform our planning and help students achieve success. Investigate what I think is the most important thing to assess for learning. Look into the different types of assessment:
- Summative assessment - collecting data throughout the year, a summary of what children have learnt.
- Formative assessment - has the greatest impact on student learning. Happens fluidly.
Think about what I already do assess in my classroom, and what I should assess in my classroom.
Places to look for information about assessment:
- Auckland University Education website
- ERO reports
- NZEI reports
- Education Council
Health notice
4 students will school sores. If you notice open wounds, send them to the office. Cannot swim if they have sores.
There is a tummy bug going around. Talk about washing our hands before and after we eat, and covering our mouths to cough or sneeze.
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