TOD PB4L 31.01.18
General Admin Notes
Abbi in charge of admin notes this year, taking over from Daisy.
Many of these notes are available to view and expanded upon in the TOD Admin notes taken by Abbi.
1 February:
Be seated in the hall by 9.15am, new students and teachers welcomed followed by a short break where new students and teachers can go into the staff room for a break.
5 February:
There will be another Powhiri to welcome students from Ning Bo China (sister school).
Remember that we are professionals, and certain things on Facebook can be seen by the public and members of our school community. Check your security settings to make sure your profile is as private as possible. Abbi possibly to run a workshop to help people increase their security settings.
Admin Meetings
Meetings again on Friday mornings at 8am. Will review again in Term 2. Check whiteboard in staff room daily before 8.30am for daily updates and events.
Target Road School A-Z
Discussions around student absences, Dress Code, and Evacuation procedures.
Evacuation: Take the emergency roll with you to mark off students. When you take the roll each day put a note with absent students onto your emergency roll.
Parent Communication:
- Keep a log of communications with parents where there is an incident you might need to refer back to.
- Target students parents should be communicated with regularly which can be difficult. Communicate with these parents as much as possible in any way possible.
- Class email can go home each week, term or month but this MUST go through team leaders first. Reminders are different and can be sent straight out.
- Any letters that go home must be on school letterhead (e.g. about trips etc) to look official and the school office should be kept in the loop.
- BCC parent emails so that other parents cannot see each others email addresses.
CAAP Plans:
- To be used as a framework. If you have this information in your planning already you don't necessarily have to repeat it onto a CAAP plan, but you need to be able to display this data upon request.
CRT Release Expectations
Is to be used for testing, monitoring, etc. Things for your classroom program is to be done in your own time. CRT time can be used for observations of yourself and other classes. Not a time for you to make resources or photocopy unless it is for monitoring and assessment. It is crucial that you use the time for monitoring students and testing, and getting to know your students.
CRT release will commence in Week 3. You will get 4 half days per term. An-Ya and Sarah will be doing CRT release at this stage, and the school may need an extra reliever at a later date due to roll growth.
You are welcome to use meeting rooms/team leader offices for your testing/CRT time. The staffroom may not be ideal as it is public and busy.
Classroom walk throughs
SLT will be looking at patterns of behaviour that are observed in your classrooms. They will be looking for certain things in your classrooms, but we may not be warned what this is in advance.
For example they may be looking for patterns of evidence.
Feedback and forward will come from this.
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