
Showing posts from September, 2018

IT Staff Meeting 10.9.18

Staff Meeting 10/9 /18 I attended a conference: Keynote was from google and showed two images, beginning to now, called a server farm, uses a lot of energy.               We must be mindful of our footprint,  e.g. jump jam videos Genius Hour Spoke on 80/20 time. Interestingly they have stopped this. Anthony Speranza 10 principles of genius hour = important slide Slide 25 Open hour to display projects Design thinking =  4 -5 weeks in design phase before full steam ahead = see Notosh slide Children often given time on Friday’s ‘finishing off’ time. Work is not assessed by the teacher. Google hangout = shared with other classes or schools or countries non -googleable ideas, slide 28 Might, how and why questions are non-googleable Learning loop = make mistakes quickly genius facebook group in NZ Eportfolios Weight is on Teacher/Leader meetings. Evidence of a learning...

Visible Learning COL Feedback August 20, 2018

Visible Learning Feedback: Target Road School What are our Strength? If we want to get to the next level, we need to imbed what good maths, reading and writing looks like. What are the learning behaviours that we expect to see? Assessment Capable: able to get feedback on the impact I am having on their learning. How are they feeding back to each other, and how are they feeding back to the teacher? Tell them what you want them to learn, give them the tools, time and resources to give them and then step back. Then during feedback see how they have done at meeting their SC. Area's to work on: Embed the TRS learner profile: What does TARGET stand for? What does this look like for me as a learner? How can I improve on these 6 components of a learner profile? We need to use the same profile Teach our students to be assessment capable: Effective use of modelling books, helping them to articulate their next learning steps, use WALT's and SC's, and using student feedba...