
Staff Meeting - 29.10.18

General admin comments: Reports should already be familiar content to the parents. If you make a statement in the students' report, you need to be able to discuss how/when you have talked to parents about this in the past. Reports may have a way to assess student progress against the curriculum, e.g. english, maths, science? and a general statement regarding key comps, SOLO, etc. and how they relate these things to their individual learning Prize Giving Discussed how we should structure the awards

PBL Meeting - Oral Language 1.11.18

Glenfield Intermediate PBL meeting – Oral Language Linda and Anne from Longworth Education Linda – Developing oral language in junior classes How many of you have a student with an oral language age of around 3-4? Think about how many times that you have a conversation with the children in your class during the day; a real conversation. Not talking to them, not giving them instructions, but sitting down and having a conversation. Many schools don’t have the time to sit down and have a conversation. Statistics show that to raise oral language, we need to have conversations with our students and they need to have conversations with peers. Not about filling their heads with information about oral language, but instead get them speaking. Research 88% of the time teachers have a role-given right to speak to anyone. Students have limited opportunities. 6% is spontaneous non-legitimate speaking 6% is allowed by teacher. High achieving classrooms, teachers talk about 55% of the time...

IT Staff Meeting 10.9.18

Staff Meeting 10/9 /18 I attended a conference: Keynote was from google and showed two images, beginning to now, called a server farm, uses a lot of energy.               We must be mindful of our footprint,  e.g. jump jam videos Genius Hour Spoke on 80/20 time. Interestingly they have stopped this. Anthony Speranza 10 principles of genius hour = important slide Slide 25 Open hour to display projects Design thinking =  4 -5 weeks in design phase before full steam ahead = see Notosh slide Children often given time on Friday’s ‘finishing off’ time. Work is not assessed by the teacher. Google hangout = shared with other classes or schools or countries non -googleable ideas, slide 28 Might, how and why questions are non-googleable Learning loop = make mistakes quickly genius facebook group in NZ Eportfolios Weight is on Teacher/Leader meetings. Evidence of a learning...

Visible Learning COL Feedback August 20, 2018

Visible Learning Feedback: Target Road School What are our Strength? If we want to get to the next level, we need to imbed what good maths, reading and writing looks like. What are the learning behaviours that we expect to see? Assessment Capable: able to get feedback on the impact I am having on their learning. How are they feeding back to each other, and how are they feeding back to the teacher? Tell them what you want them to learn, give them the tools, time and resources to give them and then step back. Then during feedback see how they have done at meeting their SC. Area's to work on: Embed the TRS learner profile: What does TARGET stand for? What does this look like for me as a learner? How can I improve on these 6 components of a learner profile? We need to use the same profile Teach our students to be assessment capable: Effective use of modelling books, helping them to articulate their next learning steps, use WALT's and SC's, and using student feedba...

Teacher Only Day 20.07.18

Effective Pedagogy in Mathematics By Glenda Anthony and Margaret Walshaw Creating a safe environment for learning Allowing group discussions and individual thinking time to solidify learning Building a students thinking; Relating interests to the learning, hands on tasks, incorporating prior knowledge. Pitch the learning at a reasonable level, reduce complexity of the task to ensure students are still successful. No "busy work", you tend to fall back on worksheets that they already know the answers to; there is no valuable learning happening here. Mixed ability approach supporting inclusive maths environment. Using misconceptions and errors as building blocks. Natural to make conceptual errors, but instead of telling them they're wrong, we should use it as a basis of discussion and talk about alternative solutions. Focus students on their thinking and tasks so they are not just doing busy work. We need to know the next steps and mathematical progressions i...

Staff Meeting: Student conferences July 22 2018

Ways to run your Student Led Conferences Met in Room 11. Charlotte walked us through what she does with her students. It is a very in-depth student reflection and the students lead the conference start to finish. Students know Miss O is there to help if they get stuck on any questions from mum and dad, but otherwise Miss O has a basically silent role. Students flag pages in each book that they are really proud of and have to justify why they are proud of their work; statements like "because it was cool" are not acceptable. Highlight for Charlotte is getting feedback from parents on their children's learning on the last page; this is feedback the students can use to improve their learning, or take pride in their work further based on parent praise. Notes to help students structure what they are going to say, they know what they're going to say, they're not stuck on the spot with mum and dad and teacher all staring at them expectantly. Means they're n...

Staff Meeting - Growth Coaching 7.05.18

Staff Meeting - Growth Coaching 7.05.18 May 06, 2018 COL Inquiry model Will be presenting in groups end of Term 3 on our teacher inquiries to the COL using the below model: Recording evidence The following table may help to display steps taken towards achieving your goal. Can be displayed in a different format. Can contain readings, observations, anecdotes; anything that assists in achieving your goal. Growth Coaching Model Videos of Daisy conferencing with Melody and Krysta doing a Growth Coaching session. Observations of the video: Often rephrases what Melody has said back to her to confirm ideas. Exhausts different ways of improving practice; what is another idea of how you could achieve your goal? "You've got some really good ways forward. Out of those things, what will you do?" Growth Coach is recording ideas as they progress. When will you begin? How many students will you conference with each day? Would you say within 2 weeks you c...